The kingdom in the last decade has witnessed an accelerated growth in the healthcare industry, particularly in the tertiary or multi-specialty segment. This has been fueled by the rising demand for specialty treatments, often caused by improper eating habits, lifestyle choices, or by naturally occurring illness.

The founders of Chronic Care Specialized Medical Hospital identified a gap in the healthcare delivery value chain. A person who received treatment or care at a tertiary hospital, mostly complex operations or procedures, or multi-organ care etc., required a step-down model of care before being sent home. This level of care is called the transitional care.

The founders’ vision brought this concept into a reality through which hundreds of patients are not just receiving transitional care, but also much-needed long term care, rehabilitation care and long term renal care which is far better offered in a specialized environment not available in multi-specialty hospitals.

Work on the hospital started in 2015 and after receiving MOH license, Chronic Care Specialized Medical Hospital has been serving patients since November 2017.

Our journey to serve has just begun.
