You have the right to:

  • Be informed about your rights.
  • Obtain all necessary information when you visit the hospital for the first time.
  • Receive equitable, top notch medical care from all hospital staff and respect for your personal beliefs and religious values.
  • Receive the best medical care that suits your condition and get proper diagnosis and treatment including your right to seek a second opinion.
  • Receive priority assessment and management in emergency cases.
  • Know the name and specialty of each assigned physician and/or caregiver.
  • Receive simple, comprehensive and understandable information about your health status and probable outcome from your treating physician and medical team.
  • Have an interpreter service (when available) whenever language barrier exists so that you may be fully informed of your comprehensive care process.
  • Obtain all information prior to any anaesthesia, surgery, use of blood and blood products or any other high-risk procedures before giving informed consent.
  • Be involved and share in your care decisions.
  • Receive appropriate pain relief treatment.
  • Receive written instructions of your pre-planned follow-up treatment, diet and home care at discharge.
  • Be offered the privacy while being served knowing that all of your information will be confidential.
  • Accept or refuse any form of treatment after being informed of its consequences. In such cases, it will be mandated to sign a form of refusal against medical advice.
  • Refuse to talk with anyone who is not ocially involved or a member of your caring team.
  • Be protected from any verbal and /or physical insult/harm.
  • Safeguard your belongings from loss as received by hospital staff.
  • Receive the full, needed information, if transferred to another facility when recommended or requested by your treating health care team or themselves including risks, benefits and alternatives to that decision, if any.
  • Receive the full needed information, upon request regarding risks, benefits, alternatives of blood and organ donation.
  • Have a companion (member of your family) in your room according to the hospital policies, availability and your health status. On medical grounds, this is not allowed in some areas such as ICU, and Isolation Rooms.
  • Ask and receive your medical report.
  • Receive a detailed invoice of your treatment charges that should have been discussed and agreed prior to receiving care.
  • Submit your complaints, comments and/or suggestions to the Patient Relation Oce (PRO).
  • Receive highly professional and humane individual care in terminally-ill patients

You are responsible for:

  • Providing complete and accurate information about your health, including medications, dietary supplements, and any allergies.
  • Following the plan of care prescribed by your provider.
  • Your actions if you refuse or fail to follow the practitioner’s instructions. If this happens, you are responsible for informing the treating physician.
  • Being respectful to all staff as well as other patients.
  • Being respectful to the hospital policies and procedures (e.g., visiting hours, no smoking policy, use of electrical appliances, and safety of belongings).
  • Safe use of the hospital’s facilities and equipment.
