Level I: Basic Nursing Care

For patients who require maintenance medications, minimal planned routine laboratory/radiology support, rehabilitative services, nutritional support, long term continuous skilled nursing care and infrequent physician intervention. This level of care is usually the after effect of disease or injury, or a medical condition requiring ongoing chronic care interventions.

Level II: Continuous Medical Care

For long term care patients who require acute care (excluding mechanical ventilation or any other organ support) beyond the parameters stated for level I.

Level III: Chronic Ventilated Care

Non-ICU hemodynamically stable patients who require mechanical ventilation support in addition to services under level II.

Level IV: Intensive Medical Care

Includes patients who require critical care and continuous monitoring. This care is provided to patients when their medical status becomes unstable. This could arise when the patient’s physiological parameters become severely compromised, with or without an altered level of consciousness, requiring emergent medical attention and close observation.
